For the best in the spanking of Girls-Spanked-Bottoms, please go to Spanked Coeds by clicking on the bar below:


Contact the Headmaster directly at Headmaster@SpankedCoeds.com

Recently I received a message from a 12- to 15-year-old girl in the Netherlands.  She informed me that she was being sexually abused by her next-door-neighbor and needed help.

Although she lives in the Netherlands, I contacted the police there and informed them of the abuse.  I can only hope that she has been helped.

If anyone is being abused, you can contact me and I will see what I can do to help.  You can contact me at:


No one should ever live in fear of being abused.  You have a right to your own life, your own thoughts, your own beliefs, and the way you want to live.

If you are 18+ and have asked to be spanked, then you are not being abused.

Abuse is unwanted and unsolicited assault.

If you want to report your abuse to me, you can go to my Spanking Survey page and complete the information there.  The more information you provide, the easier it will be to help you.

To complete the survey, go to:


Best wishes,
