Welcome to a Successful Experience in Personal Development and Personal Success!
High-Expectations Academy
Where girls find success through the positive and strict guidance of the Headmaster
enforced by the proper application of the paddle and strap to a girl's bare bottom!
An Academy for the Spanking-Therapy & Punishment,
Obedience Training, & Personal Counseling of Girls
Where a girl's personal success is obtained through the
Headmaster's high-expectations for results and the administering of firm, hard spankings
misbehavior, disobedience or failure to achieve desired personal goals.
For your own Personal Training, Obedience & Discipline/Punishment Program
Complete the application found below.
There are several reasons that girls attend this Academy, even knowing that they
will be spanked.
For FAQs relating to the Academy program, read the section following the application
found below.
At this Academy the girl's concern is one of personal achievement and she knows that
she must be made to achieve the goals that she wants. She has probably tried other
programs that have not helped her to obtain her goals since they provided only verbal
guidance and counseling with no follow-up to make sure she did what she has to do.
She knows that the only way she can obtain her own goals is to be made to do so with
firm and hard spankings. Her spankings impress on her that she is to behave herself
and be obedient so that her goals may be obtained. She pays for the strict guidance,
counseling and spanking-therapy required to obtain her goals. She knows that spankings
result in a catharsis that emotionally purges her so that she can develop new behaviors.
When a girl comes to this Academy, she knows that she will receive real and hard
spankings from a caring Headmaster who will spank her properly; i.e., firm and hard
on her bare bottom to help her correct her behavior.
But, she also knows that the Training Environment is one of excellent quality, and
the plans are for a very prestigious environment where she can learn, train and live
in exceptional surroundings. The quality of her Training Environment is depicted
by the following photos of an earlier prototype (of course, computers would now be
Headmaster's Background
The Headmaster is a professional educator, Air Force Officer & Pilot, consulting
mathematical logician, and an experienced counselor, advisor and long-time motivational
mentor for college coeds.
Girls who attend this academy have recognized the results. They assert that they
have gained a much needed self-esteem, confidence, and poise that they previously
lacked. They recognize that the spankings help them to focus their attention on
what is important and the behaviors and accomplishments that they want.
The girls learn that they have a right to their own beliefs, their own feelings,
and their own life.
They have a right to decide for themselves what they want to do and how to get it.
There are more girls than one might think who are positively motivated by bare-bottom
spankings. They know that without the control and close supervision they receive,
they would not accomplish what they want. Girls have recognized that they need the
bare-bottom spankings to help them keep focused and under control.
This academy is for girls who want a better outlook on life, a way to achieve their
own goals and to live their own life as they want. We do not make the girls do
anything, we assist them to achieve the goals they desire, and bare-bottom spankings
are administered to help them focus their attention on their own goals and to do
what they have to do in order to succeed. Incompetence and failure are not accepted,
and every girl knows what happens when she behaves incompetently or fails.
- Do you need Spanking-Therapy to help control your academic and personal life?
- Do you want to achieve goals that you have not been able to obtain?
- Do you want to overcome your laziness in completing your domestic chores?
- Do you need personal-development to achieve the poise, confidence and assertiveness
you desire?
- Do you need Spanking-Therapy to punish you or keep you focused?
- Do you want to be trained to be obedient?
- Do you need counseling concerning the control that you need to be obedient?
- Do you believe that you just need to receive spanking-punishment for whatever reason?
Then, this Academy may be for you!
Who Should Attend this Academy?
High-Expectations Academy is for girls 18-years-old or older who are looking for
an intense and demanding program for personal, academic, work-productivity, assertiveness
development, or just to receive the spanking-therapy that they know they need.
The academy training is designed for those young women who may have tried other programs,
but have not been able to achieve the goals or performances of which they know they
are capable, and know that the proper applicaiton of a paddle and strap to their
bare bottom will be required to achieve the goals that they want.
The training is designed for those girls who would like to learn in a very positive
yet challenging, demanding and strict environment where they are challenged for their
best performance, are made to accomplish what is expected, and are rewarded by a
sense of real accomplishment and success.
Girls will be counseled by their Headmaster and will develop a program designed to
meet their individual needs.
Only those girls should apply to this program who are in complete agreement with
its goals and the methods used to achieve those goals, which include spankings as
determined required by the Headmaster.
The student must pay for all travel expenses to travel to the Academy in Columbus,
Ohio, and for all accommodations while in Columbus, although the Academy does have
rooming facilities available at times.
Training fees are dependent on the girl’s training program and are individually determined.
Complete the application below and contact the Headmaster to determine what program
you need and the fees involved.
NOTICE: The Headmaster does not "play" or "role-play". This is a serious service
that is provided only for girls in need of actual discipline and punishment. Only
girls who desire real, focused, strict training and counseling will be considered.
If you seriously want to be spanked as part of a personal-development program, counseling,
obedience training, or spanking-therapy, contact the Headmaster and let him know
what you want by completing the form below.
Also, send 2 photos of yourself, dressed. Other photos may be sent, but at least
2 must be of you dressed.
You may contact the Headmaster at: Headmaster@SpankedCoeds.com.
Personal Training & Discipline/Punishment Application
Training Program FAQs
The following FAQs concerning the Academy Training Programs are provided to help you better understand what to expect. It is written as though you were asking the questions of the Headmaster.
1. “Are you [the Headmaster] discrete? I would never want anyone to know.”
This is probably your most important question, so I will answer it first. I am absolutely discrete. I am a professional educator. I am a research mathematician, a former Air Force officer and pilot and have worked with girls for many years. The girls on my website are performers who want to be known. With you, your concerns are personal and private. No one will ever know. Your training sessions are closed. The “office” used for your training is a home, the entire home. It provides a very domestic environment in which to counsel you and discipline you. I am very discrete and all of our conversations are confidential as is your discipline; i.e., your spankings and other discipline.
2. “How do I start? Is there an orientation and initial conversation concerning the program?”
Certainly. There is no training or counseling until we have had a discussion about what your program is and what will happen. The entire program is discussed in detail before it ever starts, including what training sessions you will have, what the discipline is like and why it works, and just what you can expect. In fact, you will probably be given a preliminary light Orientation-Spanking just so you will know what to expect. You, of course, must sign-off on the specific program that you want, including waivers and understandings relating to your physical discipline. Nothing ever happens that you do not approve. So, you can feel very comfortable when we first meet because it will simply be a casual conversation about what you want. This is your Application & Orientation Meeting.
3. “OK, if I am accepted for training, just what does a Training Session consist of from the time I walk in the door to the time I leave?”
The effectiveness of the Academy program comes as a result of my attention-to-detail in terms of monitoring and directing you. It is a very intensive program in terms of focusing on details. That starts as soon as you walk in the door. You are not coming to the Academy for light conversation [except during your initial application and orientation as noted above], but to be corrected and disciplined. You report to me in the living room where you stand “at-attention”; i.e., stand straight with your arms crossed behind your back. I start with an initial dress inspection. (I am not going to tell you the reason for everything I have you do, but just realize that I never tell you to do anything without a reason, and the reason is that it is necessary to help you develop the behaviors that you want to develop. To some extent, the less you know the better. Just experience the training and you will obtain the results you want.) If you are not dressed properly or your hair is not combed properly or if I find any other discrepancy, you will be made to raise your skirt, pull your panties down and bend over and grab your ankles to receive your hand-spanking (if that is what you had agreed to as the form of punishment you will accept; or we will proceed according to what you have agreed to [see the next section]). It is very simple, you either do exactly what you are supposed to do or you get spanked. That part is very simple. You will get spanked when you misbehave or are disobedient, since otherwise you would have gone to a psychological therapist and probably spend many years getting treated. Thereby you will realize from the start that I am very serious about how you behave and what you do and you are going to focus your attention on changing your behavior to comply. After your initial dress inspection, it just depends on what is planned for the day. Probably you will then simply sit down, sit up straight with your hands cupped in your lap as we discuss the daily problem that is going to be corrected. From that point on, it is very impromptu as I react and extend the training according to how you respond and behave. If, for example, you have authority problems, much of what I will do is order you around to establish my control over you and the fact that you are in fact going to do exactly what I tell you to do. Or, if you have shyness problems, then we will work on that. And, of course, if you don’t do what I tell you to do, you will be spanked. Do what you are told or get spanked. Counseling, activity direction, and spankings pretty much sums up your day. Implementing that program, however, is very difficult on my part in that I must maintain control of you and the direction that your program takes. So whereas it is simple to say what is going to happen, you will find that your training session is very dynamic.
4. “Do I have to be spanked on my bare bottom and do I have to be naked when I am punished?”
“No” and “No”! However, both are required for the most effective training. But, excellent results can be obtained otherwise–it just depends on what you want. If you want to get spanked on your bare bottom but do not want to strip naked, that is fine and will be agreed to before your training program starts. If you want to only be spanked over your panties, then that is fine also. And, if you only want to be spanked fully clothed, then that is also alright. It just depends on what you want and how effective you want your program to be. However, for the remainder of this discussion, I will assume that you do want to be spanked on your bare bottom and that you will do as ordered when told to strip naked. Again, if you have any serious reservations about this program, I encourage you to seek traditional counseling methods with a psychologist. They are quite proficient at what they do. But, they do not punish. If you need to be punished, then this is the program for you, and if you are to be punished, there is no better way than to have a naked girl over my knee getting her bare-bottom spanked.
5. “What would I be required to wear? Would I be required to "bare my bottom" or would you do it?”
You will always wear a skirt and blouse when you enter the Academy. That way you can easily present your bare-bottom to be spanked. And, you must always do what is required to present your bottom. I do not bare your bottom, you do. And, at times you may be required to strip naked to be spanked. This is important in order to embarrass you and make certain that you are totally obedient to being controlled. A naked girl is much more focused on what she is being told, and you will actually learn more when you are naked because you have to pay very close attention to what you are being directed to do. So, to make your spankings more efficient, you will wear only a skirt and blouse, panties and bra. When you enter the Academy, you will immediately remove your shoes and socks at the door. You are always to be barefoot in the Academy.
6. “If I decided that I had enough of being spanked would it be over or would it be your call? If so, how do you decide when my spanking is over? Would you decide before you start spanking me how long my spanking will be?”
Once your spanking starts, you have no say as to when your spanking stops. To do otherwise would be to defeat the meaning of “discipline” or “punishment”. The disciplinarian, me, is always in charge of you and your spankings. “How do I decide when it is over?” When I believe that you have had enough; i.e., you show no more resistance to your spanking and you resign yourself to the fact that I control you and will spank you whenever I decide that you need to be spanked. That is why I control you—I actually am very sensitive and observant to the needs of a girl. I am not abusive. I give you what you need. I never “beat” you, I only spank you, hard and firm, but what you need. Although there is some decision before you are spanked as to how long it is going to be, the actual length of your spanking and how hard you are spanked depends on how you are responding. The sooner you resign yourself to the fact that I control you and I determine what spanking you are going to get, the shorter your spankings are going to be. On-the-other-hand, if you just need a quick “reminder”, then I may just make you bend over for a few slaps before continuing with your counseling. But, if you have misbehaved or been really disobedient, then you will be spanked longer. In order for a spanking to be effective, you have to be over my knee long enough to make a believer out of you, which normally takes 3- to 5-minutes. These are not the quick slaps that you may have gotten before, these are designed to really get your attention, and they do.
7. “What implements and positions do you use?”
You will be made to bend over and grab your ankles to be spanked and you will be taken over my knee to be spanked. Those are 2 positions that are fairly common when punishing girls. But, so as not to make your spankings too routine, you will also be made to bend over with your hands on a chair or sofa, bend over the back of the sofa or the arm of the sofa, bend over the side of a table, etc. Just whatever I tell you to do; you will bare your bottom and bend over as ordered to be spanked. The first day, in particular, I will use only my hand on you so that your spankings start out fairly easy. Starting the second day, I will probably have you over my knee where I will use a hairbrush on you. Later in your training I may use a paddle or strap on you, but that just depends on what you may need to get your attention. There is nothing definite about what is used on you or what positions you will assume other than over-the-knee and bending over grabbing ankles, and using my hand and a hairbrush. Frequently, nothing more is required. It just depends on you. Some girls do need to be spanked harder and may require a paddle and strap to be used on them. Others are more sensitive and even a firm hand-spanking is very effective. So do not try to over-think what is going to happen.
8. “Is your approach solely spanking or do you use other sorts of discipline?”
As noted previously, there is a lot of counseling. Do not underestimate the value of sit-down, in-the-face counseling. It is very effective when used in conjunction with bare-bottom spankings. That is, this is not your common psychologist-room counseling that is more relaxed. With me you will sit-up straight and pay attention and you will do what you are told. Or you may have to stand at-attention (with your arms crossed behind your back, or your hands clasped behind your head). This helps to make you pay more attention to what is being said and the responses you make. In addition, if you ever talk-back to me, swear, or have some other such attitude problem, you will have your mouth washed out with soap. (Some girls, if they agree, should and will have their face slapped, but again, only if they agree! Remember that nothing happens that you have not agreed to!) However, mouth-washing is very effective in correcting certain types of behavior, and every girl who comes here can count on having her mouth washed out with soap as appropriate–and she will agree to it, ..., or go somewhere else! I may also give you Corner-Time while I lecture you, or just to make you assume a certain position to obtain your obedience in doing what you are told. There is an additional positioning-punishment that I use at times, which is Murgha Punishment. But, that is infrequently used, depending, again, on what correction is required and how flexible the girl is, since it is a position that is very difficult to assume unless you are younger and agile. Very simply, I use a variety of discipline methods and everything does not revolve around being spanked, although spanking is the most direct and effective means in order to obtain the results you want in a relatively short period of time. There is a reason that psychologists require open-ended counseling sessions—counseling by itself is really not very efficient. It frequently takes years to obtain desired results. But when you are over my knee with your bare-bottom presented for me to hit, you are definitely paying more attention to what is expected of you and you are definitely more dedicated to actually changing your behavior.
9. “I can't imagine I would be completely compliant, even though I think I may need this, especially when it starts to hurt, how would you handle that?”
I will handle it very simply. You will be given another spanking! When you are ordered to bend over my knee to be spanked, you are to hold your bottom in position until I finish spanking you. You can squirm some as long as you do not move your bottom to avoid your spanking, and you can kick and flail your arms some, as long as your bottom remains in position until I tell you that your spanking is over. Now, if by “compliant” you mean that you are going to obstruct your being spanked, then that is something you are going to have to overcome. That is, if you resist taking your clothes off or baring your bottom, then all I will do is to very sternly order you to do what I have told you to do. I will never physically make you remove your clothes or bend over. Once again, you must understand that with me you are to be a submissive little girl who, when it is time to be spanked, does exactly what she is told to do. While you can resist and not be compliant initially, eventually you must decide that you are going to be obedient and do what you are told so that I can spank you properly. However, if after I tell you several times what to do and you still resist, you can go home. I am not going to work with some obstinate little girl who refuses to be cooperative with me when I am working hard to help her to become the girl she wants to be and to overcome some very serious behavior problems. [But, there will be no refund of any fees that you may have paid for the Training Program. That in itself is incentive for you to do what you are told. There are no refunds! So decide before you start that this is really what you want. No one is making you show up to be spanked and punished. If you believe that spanking and punishment will help you and that is what you need, then I’m here for you. But, if just want to go and get counseled, find a psychologist! No one is making you come here.] You have serious behavior problems that need to be corrected, and the only way that is going to happen is if you cooperate with me and work with me to correct you. And the only thing you really have to do is bare your bottom and bend over when told to receive the spankings you are going to need to achieve your own goals. If you really do not want to achieve your own goals, or believe that you can achieve them in a more less-intensive program, then don’t bother coming in. Again, you can be somewhat non-compliant, but in the end you will obey me or go home. I will never physically make you do anything.
10. “What would I refer to you as?”
You will address me as “Headmaster” and answer all questions with “Yes sir” or “No sir” as appropriate. You will be very respectful in relating to me just as I am with you. I am proud of you and respect you or I will not work with you. I expect the same from you. It is just common decency. You have worked hard to become the fine young lady you are, and I respect you for everything you have done. At the least you should return the same respect.
11. “I am a control freak, could this still work for me, I am not good at giving up control, any suggestions on how this would be handled?”
You have actually answered your own question when you say: “I definitely need someone who wouldn’t let me ‘talk’ by way out of being spanked.” This program is designed for girls like you who are obstinate, control-freaks, bitchy little girls. The solution is very simple: With me, you give up control. In fact, I want you to be very assertive with everyone else, not aggressive, but assertive. You are to be a control-freak with everyone else. But, in order to obtain the goals you want, with me you must give up that control and do what you are told. This will be handled very simply: You will decide that the behavior you want changed is far more important than maintaining some misguided notion that “control” is really all that important. Actually, there are many executives and managers who are control-freaks out of necessity at work who on the weekends actually want an environment in which they do not have to be in-control. You may fit that profile. Just realize that to achieve your goals, you just have to work with me, someone who respects you and your ambitions and the fact that you are a very intelligent, capable, competent and ambitious girl who simply needs to get certain behaviors corrected, and the way to that correction is to be obedient to me.
12. “In your opinion what about a spanking will correct behavior?”
Spankings are effective because you have to be an active participant and they help you focus your attention on what behavior-change is required. For example, when younger, if you come home past curfew and are grounded the next weekend, does that really change your behavior? Yes, you will be “obedient”, out of necessity, and stay home the next weekend, but when you do you are probably thinking about the great time you are going to have the next weekend after that when you will come home late again because making out with some boy is more exciting than any grounding. That is the so-called punishment is not commensurate with the enjoyment of what you want to do. Hell, you can take being grounded. So what? Just sit home? So what? But, if on-the-other-hand, when you walk in the door an hour late, you are not grounded but are sent to your room to “Get ready for your spanking,” first, you are somewhat nervous and possibly scared, but, more important; you have to actively participate in your punishment. Being grounded is passive. Getting spanked is active. Then when your “Daddy” comes in and makes you undress and bend over the end of your bed, again you are actively participating in your punishment; i.e., you are having to focus on what you did and what is now going to happen to you because of what you did. Then, you are spanked hard, which really focuses your attention on what is expected of you. Then, your question has to be when you go out again is: “Is this boy really worth me getting my ass beat?” In addition to that, and most important, spankings are cathartic. You finally realize that you have the ability to control your life and do what you should do. The problem with counseling, lectures, etc. or other types of passive “punishment” is that you never really think about what you did. When being grounded you are not really thinking about changing your behavior, you are planning what you are going to do to have fun when your grounding is over. But, when you are being spanked, your entire being is focused on why your bottom is being hit so hard, why you are crying and what you are going to do to keep that from happening again. So, spankings work, not because of any pain or humiliation, but because they make you focus your attention on your behavior that changes your mental outlook. There is no change unless there is a change in mental outlook. Getting spanked helps you to focus your attention on how you are going to change, and does so because it is cathartic.